To help you create effective children’s advertising content

Why is children’s advertising important? What should . Children’s advertising be like? How to use email marketing in children’s advertising? Let’s celebrate children. Why is children’s advertising important? This market segment is very you create effective children’s broad and therefore allows multiple . Companies to benefit. Furthermore, the use cycle of these products is relatively short, so the . Same customer can purchase several products in a short time.

For example with a toy the child will

Probably get bored of a toy in a matter phone number list of months. As . We have mentioned previously, the children’s segment is usually a highly regulated and controlled segment . Because it includes a sector of the population considered vulnerable. For this reason, it is . Essential to know which are the appropriate channels to communicate with the audience, so that .

The information can be filtered by parents as

Is the case with emails. In latin . America, all countries have laws that restrict children’s advertising, for example in mexico, the general . Health emails end up in the spam folder how to send a newsletter to the inbox law you create effective children’s on advertising prohibits the creation of advertisements for products with low nutritional content. While in argentina, the law presents a similar restriction on this issue. Learn more about . Children’s advertising in our article: children’s day is approaching, how can I win over children? .

What should children’s advertising be like colors elements

And channels are three elements that must . Be taken into account when designing a children’s advertising strategy, since they can be decisive . In their results. In this section we will explain in detail the relevance of each . Of these elements in your ads of this type. Similar colors and branding according to .

The study on the color prevalence in children’s

Spots, it was determined that the most . Used belgium numbers colors are black, green and red. However, black is only used as an incidental . Color, so green would be preferred by advertisers. Despite this, the study resolves that the . Color does not matter since the choice is usually arbitrary and corresponds to branding elements .

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