What social media trends will be successful in 2023?

Content and more content. Within this sea of ​​videos, photos and audios we find that trends are being followed that evolve year after year. Well, this year is not going to be any different, and with just a few months to go until the end of 2022, the new trends that we will soon find are already appearing. What will be the network of the moment? What content will succeed? Will new formats appear? We will answer all those questions and more for you below.

Trends for 2023

2022 has been a year where the consumer kazakhstan telegram data has been the center of attention. 2023 will continue to be so, but it will also be the year of authenticity and ephemeral content. We will see all these trends on the following social networks:

TikTok: the network of 2023

TikTok ‘s growth worldwide has led this network to become the trendsetter. This ability to create wide-reaching content the no-nonsense economy under the microscope: 2 students ask 10 critical questions has sparked the interest of many brands that are already using it to make themselves known. We can see how many companies use viral challenges to create a space within this new platform. This gives brands a more human vision and, in addition, it is often confused with content created by users, that is.

Instagram: the “reel” format is its main bet

As we have mentioned, TikTok sets trends and it email list these have an impact on other social networks such as Instagram. That is why this social network is betting on short videos, seeking a similarity to the way TikTok works. This is the importance that short videos have taken on, and the platform has replaced IGTV with the new “Reels”.

Inbound Colors Instagram Reels

If we talk about trends, we cannot overlook the new application that is on everyone’s lips and that just two years ago had not even been released: BeReal . The new app consists of taking a daily photo when a notification is sent to us. This takes us one step further and shows us how authenticity and immediacy are part of the new paradigm. It is worth highlighting it as a growing trend, since Tik Tok has already considered it a threat and has launched Tik Tok Now, which has the same function as BeReal.

This is just another example

How everything ephemeral and instantaneous is gaining ground on everything that takes more time to watch. A small example of this are 10/15 second videos, images posted on Instagram stories or, as we have mentioned.

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