Using Email at Work: Rights, Obligations and Best Practices

Email has become essential in the workplace, allowing for fast  job function email list and effective communication between employees, clients and business partners. However, its use poses legal and ethical challenges for employers and employees. In this article, we will discuss this issue and provide some recommendations for using email responsibly at work.

Rights and Obligations : It is important that both employers and employees are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding the use of email at work. The Labor Directorate (DT), in Ruling No. 260/19, established that the employer has the power to define the conditions of use of the employee’s email from a legal perspective, but it is necessary to communicate them in advance and

Work Tool :

Workers must understand that email is a company-owned work tool what does an online store need to gain customers and increase its revenue and not a personal means of communication, which is essential. The company can establish and enforce the conditions of use of email, which means that it cannot be used arbitrarily or for personal purposes not authorized by internal regulations. The employer incurs software and hardware expenses exclusively for company purposes, so the use of email must be aligned with the organization’s objectives and policies.It is prohibited to use the company’s professional email for personal activities. Employers can define clear and non-discriminatory policies on the use of email, which employees must be aware of and approve in advance.

Good Practices :

To ensure that email is used appropriately in the workplace, it is necessary for both uae cell number employers and employees to follow certain good practices. This involves using email in a professional and ethical manner, avoiding sending or receiving messages that may be perceived as offensive, defamatory or illegal. It is essential to keep confidential information confidential and refrain from transmitting passwords or other sensitive data via email.. The employer has the ability to monitor the use of email by employees, as long as it does so in a reasonable and non-invasive manner .them in advance and clearly. It is prohibited to use the company’s professional email for personal activities. Employers can define clear and non-discriminatory policies

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