When focusing on the administration of a school, the management of tuition fees is one of the points of greatest attention , given that it is responsible for the institution’s main source of income.
Therefore, it is the school’s duty to seek ways to reduce defaulting, offering ways to make the payment process simpler for everyone involved — aiming, mainly, to receive payments on time.
To understand more about how school tuition payments work and how to make this payment more efficient , we have prepared comprehensive content on the subject in the following lines. Keep reading!
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What does the law say about paying school fees?
School fees are regulated by Law 9.870/99 of the Federal Government. This Law explains that fees refer to the service provided by the qatar whatsapp number data institution, charged in monthly installments of the same amount, for the period adopted by the school.
This way, even during the vacation period, when students do not attend school, payment will still be charged . This is because the institution’s costs will continue during these months, such as:
- Employee salaries;
- Installation costs;
- Extracurricular activities;
- Teacher preparation;
- Payment for contracted services, such as electricity, water and internet; among others.
Furthermore, the School Fees Law also addresses the payment of tuition fees at the end of the school year .
Is it correct to charge registration and monthly fees in the same month?
It is not possible to make two charges in the pepe coin: can this meme coin continue to grow? month, so it is important to manage the school’s financial resources well . The administration needs to include the registration fee in the annual fee, or spread it out over monthly installments.
This charge would be considered an abusive practice, according to the Tuition Fees Law and the Consumer Protection Code , since all students have the right to re-enrollment, which should not be charged as a 13th installment.
However, re-enrollment must be announced at least 45 days before the end of the year’s service provision, for all those responsible.
How does school tuition payment work?
In general, there are two forms of cn numbers that the institution can offer for charging school fees , such as:
- Payment in full , including registration, at the beginning of the school year;
- Payment in installments , in 6 or 12 times, depending on the conditions that the school wants to offer.
These payment conditions will be established in the contract, with the appropriate penalties applicable in cases of default : fines, interest, monetary corrections and more.
Furthermore, the correct functioning of the school tuition payment also avoids problems such as the end of the contract after the school year , for example, which harms the student’s continuous learning.
However, in cases of default, the legislation still determines that. The student cannot of access to academic services . However, at the end of the established period. The student will not be able to renew enrollment or attend the institution until the debts are paid off.