The digitalized company told from the inside

Social distancing and teleworking does not mean cutting all ties with customers and employees. For your employees, the current lockdown can be difficult to live with due to the lack of interactions with colleagues, interactions that are the essence of any group work in companies. Maintain regular contact with each other, whether you are a large company or a (small) SME, the aim being to leave no one in heavy professional solitude, in moral idleness or overwork.

Preserve as much as possible the rituals

The work rhythms of your teams by using videoconferencing for example. And if there is no possibility of videoconferencing, maintain the link (professional and personal) with conference calls, so that everyone can talk to each other, if not see each other.

Make the most of existing digital tools (see do not try to create new communication channels. As a business leader, be alongside your managers, too, so that they can take care of their teams. The message to convey must be the following: the health and morale of your employees while maintaining the continuation of the activity of your company.

What must count in the times to come is to keep attention to others

To work as a team. We must hold on and support each other. The main challenge, other than maintaining the link, is to reassure all the components of your company, from your employees to your customers because maintaining the link with your customers during this period is just as important.

We are not necessarily talking about doing business with them (or not only) but about maintaining a thread of communication with them. Everyone is aware that difficulties will, of course, come for the business world. But it is in these difficult times that the strong economic ties, which have been woven over the years and projects with your customers, will take on a whole new meaning since everyone will have to pull together to recover.


Every man for himself will not work, all together

We will invent as we go along. To get out of this crisis, do not hesitate to (start to) think with your customers about solutions that you can implement together, for the future. The current priority, for all companies whether it is an industry; a service company or any other type, is to keep a customer service available.

Even if there must be legitimate technical difficulties, your customers will be ready to accept them as long as a bond of trust and communication is maintained. By maintaining a service capacity to your customers, you can only be grateful at the end of all this. Are you We are happy to advise you on your needs, constraints and improvement ideas and give you some ideas for developing your strategy.

In this new post, we will talk to you

About the importance of maintaining a certain work routine in these times of teleworking. The first thing to do to be efficient is to be able to set up, as far as possible, a space in your home dedicated to your telework.

It is important for the brain to be able to leave your workplace (even by a few meters) and to have a separation from your personal life. The other important element is to set yourself working hours to, once again, compartmentalize your time. Don’t make the mistake of telling yourself that you can work at any time of the day. At first, it may pass but very quickly, it can become painful.

Keep your evenings and weekends for times other than work

Take breaks too, like when you are in your company, keep this routine to spend a few minutes with your children, chat with your husband / wife, whatever you want but don’t forget to take breaks.

An industry email list is a crucial tool for focused marketing since it enables companies to successfully communicate with niche markets. Businesses can industry email list increase engagement and enhance conversion rates by utilizing selected connections. This methodical technique guarantees that communications are received by the appropriate individuals while also saving time and money. Purchasing a high-quality Industry email list improves company recognition and fortifies clientele.

Another simple tip: get dressed. Don’t wear a suit/tie, but don’t stay in your pajamas. It may seem silly, but you wouldn’t want to sleep fully dressed, so don’t hesitate to wear an outfit that you feel comfortable in, to (tele)work. Also define with employees, managers, bosses what tools you will use for your working time in the home office (a future post will be devoted more specifically to the various tools available) and keep track of effective projects so as not to fall into the famous .

It can very quickly become complicated to manage

You will see that with the right tools, you will no longer necessarily need to use the good old email address. The last piece of advice we can give you is to also pay attention to your professional entourage and their morale.

Teleworking does not mean cutting the ties that may have been forged over the time you spent together in your offices. If you feel that one of your colleagues or collaborators is withdrawing, it may be a sign of low morale, which is legitimate in this kind of moment.

Don’t hesitate to maintain this social bond

That you have created with a little WhatsApp message, a funny/cute little GIF with your colleagues. It’s always nice to receive these kinds of messages and it helps the time pass a little more easily.

The Internet has this magical something that allows you to have access to knowledge continuously and unlimitedly. It is often said that we must continue to learn throughout our lives and the Internet is full of platforms that allow you to learn on subjects as diverse as they are varied.

We then talk about MOOCs. What is a MOOC?

It is the acronym for Massive Open Online Course and there are two types, xMOOCs which allow you to validate acquired skills with a certificate of achievement and cMOOCs with learning objectives that are open and whose participants create the content to a large extent, without certificates at the end.

The best-known platform is, which will allow you to access resources from French-speaking universities and grandes écoles, but also English-speaking ones, since you can find training courses put online by American and English universities, etc. You can improve your language skills as well as acquire new knowledge that could be useful to you in your work.

Registering for online courses during

industry email list

This period can also be just for the pleasure of learning philosophy if you are a fan of Greek philosophers… Philosophy is just one example among others. Another platform that is interesting for training on digital, where you can find a lot of content provided by trainers specialized in digital, is Udemy.

It is a French-speaking platform that will allow you to learn how to effectively operate your company’s social networks. But not only that, you can also learn brazil phone number buy database photography, design, etc. Finally, you can also call on professionals like Les Digivores to help you train in digital tools during this period of teleworking.

This may seem like a (quite legitimate) jungle for some

We would be happy to support you, via remote training / meetings (to respect the confinement) in order to give you all the keys to succeed in your. Are you looking for advice on implementing digital productivity tools? We are happy to advise you on your needs. Constraints and ideas for improvement and give you some ideas for developing your strategy.

In these special times, where we will have to adopt new working methods. Les Digivores will stand by your side and support you. Every day, in this transition to aero leads teleworking that this method is as effective as possible for you and your teams. In this first post, we would like to give you some initial feedback on these working methods, which as a digital and connected agency, we use very regularly.

Many tools are now at our disposal to allow us to work remotely

In groups and in a serene manner. When it is necessary to take stock of the progress of our projects, we use two means of communication internally.   When we need clarification or to discuss the progress of a specific point.

To communicate with our customers, again, we have means of exchange available, very easily accessible with Skype and/or Slack. Skype has this huge advantage of allowing us/you to make video conferences (in these times of confinement. It feels good to see each other with colleagues and customers) and therefore, to show certain elements if necessary, live. As for Slack, this application allows us to create discussion groups for each project, so as not to get confused.

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