We need to talk about marketing for microentrepreneurs

You may have asked yourself many times: how can I use marketing strategies for micro-entrepreneurs and increase sales?

We know that the internet is an excellent option for small businesses and micro-entrepreneurs.

For businesses where investment resources

are limited, digital marketing actions can band database be one of the viable solutions for promoting and exposing your brand.

One of the main points is that many digital marketing actions have a long lifespan, meaning that costs are spread out or carried out according to your possibilities.

For example, a Facebook Ads campaign why don’t we see 3d logos anywhere anymore? and what replaced them? has a specific duration and you can invest as much as you think is worthwhile. A blog, on the other hand, has a long lifespan and makes the initial cost, which is already low, quite affordable. So, let’s get to the facts!

We need to talk about web presence

Having an online presence and promoting it email list content that interests your target audience are essential actions that help generate value for customers, in addition to increasing brand awareness.

As we have already mentioned in other publications , currently more than 60% of the Brazilian population has access to the internet and this implies a change in the way of purchasing.

People are constantly looking for information on digital channels, and some prefer to make purchases and request services through these channels, without even leaving home.

Therefore, some resources become indispensable

create an online store,
have a blog;
have a presence on social media.
The reason? Mainly because the investment cost is low and they have a quick response capacity in consumer surveys.

Regarding these three items

remember that one does not exclude the other. They are complementary: the blog and social networks are essential to bring people to the online store.

The interesting thing about digital presence is talk about marketing building a relationship with people, not just pushing for a sale. That’s why offering content on your blog and interacting on social media is essential.

The advantages of building your digital presence

Considering that every new purchase starts in the virtual environment, the first advantage is being seen and remembered. But the benefits don’t stop there, as we’ll show you below!

Brand recall and visibility

Being online is a guarantee that people will come to you talk about marketing spontaneously, without forcing the issue. Your blog, website and social networks are a guarantee of publicity, so you don’t need to spend money on other means, such as newspaper and radio advertising, whose high costs can even make the campaign impossible.

One of the things you should do is speak

the same language as your customers and provide relevant information. This will ensure that your brand is remembered fondly by those who could be your future customers.

Low cost

A blog involves few costs, such as domain registration, hosting and the platform used. Often, you can choose a basic platform plan and upgrade as your traffic grows.

You will also need content, which can be created by you or by experts in the field.

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