American televisions censor Trump’s comments live . US Elections and Social Meia – Unlike Facebook and Twitter . The YouTube underestimate the wave of Fake news about the elections. Facebook has a specific metric for “violence and incitement to violence” that has increase sharply this week. The social network also announce the closure of the pro-Trump group “Stop the Steal” whose membership has explode in recent days .
Twitter flagge 38% of Trump’s tweets
misleading” while fake accounts pretending to be meia business to consumer database outlets claime his victory. Covid-19 and second lockdown – According to data from Apple and Google. The travel is more numerous during the second lockdown . While most businesses are close. The France Digitale offers a kit to help those who wish to get into e-commerce . Local initiatives in this area are multiplying and Amazon remains heavily criticize .
This week in France Netflix launches
its live function in France Le Monde here are five ways to speed up the timeline launches a “feel Good” newsletter Mobilization around cyberbullying on the occasion of the international day against school bullying. 5G authorization in France scheule for November 18 TO REMEMBER THIS WEEK. 3 FIGURES 120 million readers for the NYT (including 75 million who came on election day) Twitter has flagge 38% of Trump’s tweets since Nov 3 300. The 000 members for the Facebook group “stop the steal” CHART OF THE WEEK Infographic.
The sectors where 5G will have
the biggest impact | StatistaYou can find more belgium business directory infographics on Statista OUR BEST READS / WORTH YOUR TIME / LONG READ It’s the end of an era for American meia. The no matter who wins the election. How 2020 change the internet Trump’s tweets are not insane. Everything is strategic. The even the mistakes. DISRUPTION. The DISLOCATION. The GLOBALIZATION Working with robots in a post-pandemic world In Belgium. The bookstores classifie as “essential businesses” What if Facebook was the real silent majority? GAFA Two new studies show.