Of personalizing the sales stages according to their progress and their number in order to . Adapt them to your strategypipeline by stage view pipeline by stage view you can add . New sales stages and create pipelines that you may have deemed necessary based on the . Cloud this tool allows you to access the customer database at any time regardless of . Your geographic location the mobile application works without an internet connection and has a very .
Intuitive web interface to summarize
Intuitive web interface to summarize this solution allows:managing leads and commercial opportunities importing and exporting . Information hong kong cell phone number list taking notes and managing emails event history and tracking generating reports on commercial activities . Task management and many others advanced email management with the possibility of sending receiving and . Tracking emails mailbox synchronized with nocrm mailbox synchronized with nocrm it guarantees good internal communication . And allows you to mention other users and create teams to better manage and share .
Information between salespeople and sales
Information between salespeople and sales directors it should be noted that this tool also offers . After-sales optionswhat makes nocrmio different lead generation strategies: what is it and how to achieve it? from other crms? the nocrmio software differentiates itself from other . Crms by its ability to boost the level of sales unlike the others this software . Is focused on commercial prospecting furthermore nocrmio promotes interoperability with various web services webhooks g . Suite or specific applications via apis as well as native integrations and nocode integrations via .
Zapier and make see
Zapier and make see ) this allows salespeople to retrieve data from google maps and . Display it in the softwarethis tool also allows you to create custom betting email list widgets for displaying . Complex information it is equipped with a task reminder system furthermore nocrmio guarantees complete reversibility . Of data followed by redundant backups on a daily basis it offers the possibility of . Adding other functionalities to adapt it to the needs of your business it is available .
In several languages english french
In several languages english french german portuguese and spanish) the nocrmio software includes all the . Functionalities analytics collaboration communication and others) necessary for better management of commercial tasks it promotes . An increase in sales and therefore your turnoverif you have hundreds of potential customers to . Contact and every day you have to reach the set goal the risk of error . Is high a call script can help ensure that no questions go unanswered and that .