Monetization of email traffic betting, gambling, finance

Why do users have the opinion that email newsletters on gambling, betting, binary options and other “suspicious” topics end up in SPAM along with their senders? Because these horror stories are readily supportd by many mailing services, prohibiting the sending of such letters.

This stereotype has ld to the fact that the email channel for attracting traffic is often ignord by webmasters. Of course, if you thoughtlessly send out intrusive advertising, you risk only irritating the recipients. But, when use skillfully, mailings show excellent conversion.

Let’s look at how to handle high-risk email campaigns so that your deliverability reports look as good as the example below.

This is a screenshot from the postmaster on the betting topic

It is clearly visible here that the fears of ending up in the blacklist of mailers for life, sending gaming mailings, are too exaggeratd. All the letters went to the Inbox, although is famous for its biasd attitude towards “suspicious” letters rcs data and senders.

How to get into the inbox with high-risk email newsletters?
Getting into a gaming-themd inbox is not that difficult. The same email marketing principles apply here as in any other mailings. Some conditions must be met.

1. Comply with the requirements of mailing services.

According to the SPAM policy of the Estismail service:

3.10. Poker, casino, sports betting, gambling services; are considerd high-risk topics. These mailings may be allowd, subject to the fulfillment of a number of obligations and agreement with the service support, namely:

the sender domain must be warmed up and existing;
configured sender domain authentication;
the subscriber base MUST be with double opt-in;
when purchasing a Cloud tariff.
4.4. It is prohibitd to send emails to subscribers with whom there has been no interaction for more than three months.

4.5. It is prohibitd to send messages to subscribers 10 empathy statements for customer service to improve your business who have not opend letters from the author for 3 months.

2. Comply with the requirements of your email providers.

– Active mailing list . It’s trivial, but a successful mailing starts with a live email list, collectd by hand. Don’t count on quick earnings from a purchasd list. This method shows the worst results and leads to spam filters. Only a live list, which will be cleard after each mailing from non-existent addresses, unsubscribd and spam complainers, will lead cmo email list to regular conversions.

– Quality content. Check the contents of your emails for anti-spam. Follow all content requirements – text to image ratio, do not write in Caps Lock, bold or colord font. Links must be correct and do not send links to a domain with a bad reputation – its bad karma will be passd on to you. Do not forget the unsubscribe button.


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