How expensive is good

If you look at the value of the interior furnishings of a house or apartment, you can quickly add up to a considerable sum. If parts of the furnishings are stolen or damaged (in the worst case, the entire furnishings), the so-called home contents insurance comes into play.

The entire inventory is insured against material damage. Individual items are not replaced, but the financial loss is compensated. The damage quickly adds up to a large sum, which is why home contents insurance is becoming increasingly popular. The services included depend on the selected tariff, which also affects the amounts to be paid.


These services are normally already included:

  • Home contents insurance covers the entire household
  • This also covers costs for items belonging to other people
  • the protection takes effect in case of fire
  • all costs in case of theft will be covered
  • Storm and hail damage are also covered
  • also protects against vandalism


How important is home contents insurance?

Home and apartment owners realize how important household contents insurance can be when, for example, damage is caused by a fire. A direct lightning strike or a technical defect can also ignite a television and cause a house fire. If the fire brigade has to put out the fire and the house or apartment is flooded , damage to the household contents caused by the fire and all subsequent damage caused by the smoke and extinguishing water will be covered.

In the case of water damage, the costs are not always covered by home contents insurance. Damage caused by burglary is also insured, but simple theft is usually not. If damage occurs due to vandalism or robbery, this is also covered by home contents insurance. In all of these cases, home contents insurance is therefore very important and protects against subsequent financial problems.


How expensive is good home contents insurance?

The cost of home contents insurance depends on several factors. Firstly, the size of the house or apartment is crucial, and the value of the furnishings also plays an important role. The likelihood of severe weather events such as storms or flooding is also taken into account.

In addition, any deductible and the selected  botim database tariff play an important role in the amount of the monthly costs for the home contents insurance. As a guideline, it can be said that for 100 square meters of living space, the approximate insured sum is around 65,000 euros. If the entire household contents represent a higher value, the insured sum should also be increased accordingly.

The cost of home contents insurance is usually paid annually, and the amount is usually quite moderate and easy to manage financially. For a living space of 120 square meters, the monthly cost of home contents insurance will be less than 10 euros. The actual amount always depends on the individual offer, of course.


When does home contents insurance pay?

The insured items include furniture, dishes,  what are long tail clothing, carpets, food, tools , cash and other valuables. In order for the home contents insurance to pay out, there must be no personal fault, as in the worst case scenario this could even be considered insurance fraud. The insurance only pays out if items are damaged without any intentional influence.


What is the best home contents insurance?

In the test, insurance companies from Ergo and SV europe emai among those who impressed with their standard cover and those from Adam Riese and Axa with their top cover. According to consumer studies, Allianz, Axa and DEVK are also among the best home contents insurers. The test criteria are based on customer trust, tariffs, price-performance ratio, transparency, service, advice and claims settlement. A total of over 1,500 customer opinions were collected and compared for the home contents insurance test .


Among the fairest home contents insurers with a very good test rating are:

  • alliance
  • Concordia
  • DEVK
  • Ergo
  • Helvetia
  • Ammerlander
  • The liability insurance fund
  • LVM
  • Provinzial Nord Brandkasse
  • Provinzial Rheinland



Who needs home contents insurance?

Generally speaking, home contents insurance is recommended for every private household. It doesn’t matter whether you own a house or an apartment ; there may be valuable and expensive items inside. In order to cover all of this and to avoid having to pay for any financial losses yourself, it is recommended that you take out home contents insurance.

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