One can find many stories of unsuccessful

The opportunity to earn on the Forex currency market is available to everyone, but the apparent complexity scares most people.

And inde, attempts and disappointing defeats. Someone stumbl on their own recklessness, someone smash their head against the wall of ignorance, and someone slipp on a propensity for gambling.

However, we can say with confidence that if you devote enough attention and perseverance to learning Forex, trading, earning and succeing is more than possible!

If you don’t mess around

From the very beginning, making downright stupid mistakes, then after the first positive results, the trader will be overcome with positivity, which will wake him up in the morning and glue him to the monitor screen to view new quotes and news.

Talent people will climb to special database the very top of Forex sooner or later, and in general, anyone can trade successfully, you just have to try. You ne to understand the main thing: Internet trading is not roulette or poker.

You can’t count on luck here, but you ne to gain knowlge that will allow you to prict the market. And it is not necessary to guess the trend every time. It is enough to close more than 35-40% of transactions in plus (see explanation in Chapter 4.7) to enjoy the increase of your capital.

Choosing a broker: how to approach it wisely?

You ne to approach find many the choice of the company with which you will work on Forex responsibly. Unfortunately, in Russia at the moment there is no proper legal regulation of the activities of dealing centers.

In this regard, they are often register as bookmakers here. The largest brokers of “Russian origin” are register abroad.

This way they find how can businesses set up their e-commerce seo in the best possible way? many get official registration adb directory and at the same time get rid of a number of taxes. Therefore, it is not surprising if a Russian-looking company is legally register in an offshore zone.


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