Error accessing Group Policy Editor

Group Policy Management Editor (GPEdit) is a built-in utility in Windows 11 and Windows 10 that allows the user to set specific policies or settings for the system or for the organization’s network. It is very useful for users who are administrators of various devices and want everything to run smoothly. However, getting an “Access Denied” error when opening or even changing settings in the Group Policy Editor is a major hurdle. This issue can occur due to several reasons:

Insufficient user rights

Corrupted system files.
Incorrect system settings.
Conflicting Group Policies
Read this article to know how to fix “Access to Group Policy Editor is denied” in Windows 11/10.

Fix “Access to Group Policy Editor is Denied” Error in Windows 11/10
Fix 1: Force Group Policy Refresh.
1. In the Windows search menu, type “cmd”. Right-click Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”. Accept “yes” to the UAC prompt.

Open cmd admin windows 11

2. Now copy and paste the below command into it and make sure to press Enter after pasting each command.

RD /S /Q “%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers” && RD /S /Q
gpupdate /force
Force group policy update cmd

3. Now restart your phone number list Windows computer.

Fix 2: Restart the Group Policy client.
1. In the Windows search bar, type and open Services.

open services

2. Locate Group Policy Client and double-click it.

Group Policy Client in somewhere in a category or at the bottom of the e-shop’s homepage? Services

3. In “Startup type”, select “Automatic”. In the “Service status” section, click “Start”.

4. Click Apply and OK.

 Now open command prompt as administrator

6. Enter the following command into it and press Enter:

Error accessing Group netsh winsock reset
Restart the group policy search engine optimization mails client, fix cmd, access to the group policy editor is denied.

Fix 3: Delete or rename the machine file.
1. Open Windows Explorer on your computer.

2. Follow the path below:

3. Right-click the folder named Machine and select Rename or Delete.

Delete or rename the machine file patch. Access to the Group Policy Editor is denied.

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