What do mailbox owners hate most of all? That’s right, SPAM. Mailing list authors are also afraid of it like fire. Or rather, they are afraid that mail providers will consider their letters spam and send them to the appropriate folder.
We have already told you what to do if emails are blocked by mail services and do not reach the recipient at all. In this article, we will tell you what to do if the mailing arrives in the recipients’ spam folder and they do not see it.
Let’s agree that we will not discuss problems with purchased or parsed databases.
I think there is no need to explain why in this case the letters end up in spam . Here we will talk about people who have subscribed to the mailing list dataset themselves and want to receive your letters. But mail services refuse to deliver messages to the inbox.
I think this problem is familiar to many. Let’s figure out why letters end up in subscribers’ spam folders and how to get them out of there.
The main condition of the subscription
Let’s start from the beginning, with subscribing to the mailing list. It should be done through double confirmation . This eliminates the possibility of incorrect addresses getting into the database. A person can accidentally or deliberately indicate an incorrect email address . Thanks to double opt-in , you leave in the database only those subscribers tips for promoting a single who are interested in your mailing list and thereby reduce the number of spam complaints in the future.
Confirmation of subscription to English courses
If you have collected subscribers at an offline conference and entered them into the address database yourself. Send a letter immediately with a reminder about the event and a request to confirm consent to receive the newsletter . But, when entering data manually, it is easy to make a mistake. There is a high probability that many addresses will be invalid. Therefore, it is recommended to collect emails only online. Of course, with double confirmation.
Double opt-in is the most serious argument in your favor in the eyes of mail providers. If it is available, the dialogue with mail services will bring a positive result, even if the messages ended up in the spam folder. In the following mailings, letters will start to end up in the inbox. Of course, if your clients themselves do not click the spam button when receiving the mailing.
Don’t trick people into subscribing to your newsletters.
This is sometimes done in online stores. When cmo email list making purchases, without looking, we confirm that “I have read the terms of the agreement.” Of course, no one reads it. Resourceful sellers include a clause about subscribing to a newsletter in this agreement . The buyer has no idea about it. And when he receives the letter, he will complain about spam. Which will immediately hit his reputation.