Discover 5 unmissable reasons to use bill anticipation

Efficient financial management requires, above all, organization. Therefore, it is essential that the company has a solution that helps keep its accounts up to date .

Bill anticipation is a resource designed to help organizations obtain business credit quickly and easily , receiving in advance the amount of bills scheduled for future dates. This ensures cash flow without compromising the company’s monthly balance.

This feature also prevents you from applying for loans with high interest rates. In this article, we have outlined the main differences between this solution. Check it out !

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What is the difference between bill advance and loan?

Payment of bills in advance has more thailand whatsapp number data rates than loans or other lines of credit , as there is a greater guarantee of receipt.

The resources that the solution anticipates already belong to the company itself . This reduces the cost and risk of the operation, since, unlike a loan or financing, it is not necessary to pay what was anticipated — the financial institution will keep the amounts retained at the time of compensation.

The rate is also more attractive because, in most financial and payment institutions, advance payment of bills is exempt from IOF (Tax on Financial Transactions).

In a study carried out by Serasa Experian , 43% of the SMEs interviewed stated that they prefer receivables advances , as they have the benefit of lower interest rates than other types of credit.

How does the receivables advance rate work?

The value of this fee varies according to how can you sit in a more financial institution . They may consider factors such as: relationship with the financial institution, advance payment amount, monthly revenue of the company in a given period, among other factors.

Currently, the average of financial institutions in the market that offer bill advance varies from 2% to 15% .

At Asaas, prices are competitive , always seeking to offer the best experience for companies that need to anticipate receivables.

However, it is important to note that the boleto, because it has fewer guarantees of receipt than the credit card, for example, usually has higher fees . This higher value is common due to the risk of default by the end customer.

What are the advantages of paying bills in advance?

The anticipation of receivables is cn numbers to balance the needs and demands of the business , ensuring sufficient working capital to maintain activities. After all, even with good control and balancing payment and receipt deadlines, the company may face unforeseen events .

Therefore, having the option to pay bank slips in advance is essential at these times . This way, the company does not need to face a lack of money or finalize financing with high rates to form working capital .

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