Customer behavior patterns can be grouped into

1. Place of purchase

Most of the time, customers will split their purchases between multiple stores , even if all items are available at the same store.

When a customer has the ability and access to buy the same products in different stores, they are not permanently loyal to any of them, unless it is the only store they have access to, something unthinkable in digital purchases.

Studying customer behavior in terms of location choice will help marketers identify key store locations .

For example, a user buys their kitchen products on Amazon (pans, knives, tableware in general)… whereas for sports products, such as sneakers, their tennis racket, or their training clothes, they prefer an online store that sells products exclusively for the sport they practice, in this case tennis.

Why doesn’t he buy everything directly from job function email list Amazon? Is it because of the price offered by the e-commerce site, or is it because for the products that are most important to him, he prefers online stores that he trusts more? This is what we must try to decipher.


2. Purchased items

Shopping cart analysis can provide marketers with a wealth of consumer insights.

Necessity items can be purchased in bulk, while europe email luxury items are more likely to be purchased less frequently and in small quantities.


3. Time and frequency of purchase

Customers will make purchases based on their convenience and expect service even during the oddest hours, especially now in the age of e-commerce where everything is just a few clicks away.

It is the store’s responsibility to meet these how to improve the overall efficiency of a company demands by identifying a purchasing pattern and matching its service according to the time and frequency of purchases.

An e-commerce is open 24 hours a day. But are there sales at all hours? This will depend on where the purchases are made, whether in the same country or in countries with different time zones.

So, do you need 24-hour online customer service, or is it more feasible to have a chatbot with frequently asked questions?


4. Purchase method

A customer can walk into a store and purchase an item right then and there or place an order online and pay by credit card or cash on delivery.


The way a customer chooses to purchase an item also says a lot about the type of customer they are. Gathering information about their behavioral patterns helps identify new ways to get customers to come back for more purchases, more frequently and at higher values.

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