But how does social media affect the ranking and SEO of your website or eshop?

Social Media and sales growth

Social media is now an integral part of a business’ digital strategy. With billions of users worldwide, platforms like Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn , and TikTok offer unique opportunities to showcase and promote products or services. Effectively leveraging social media can significantly increase your business’ sales. Let’s see how  job function email list you can achieve this.

In today’s era, social media and increasing sales should be connected. To have a complete online presence as a business, you should give special emphasis to your social media pages.

Let’s start from the beginning.

Google takes into account thousands of small and large factors to rank a website. Some of the most important of these are: website speed, quality, content, meta tag descriptions, security, backlinks, etc. This is where social media comes in, because the more shares and likes a website has and the more people interact with it, the better your website will rank in search engine results.

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Why? Because Google considers your website or e-shop to be alive, active and with fresh content that attracts the public’s interest. So the stronger and more active your presence is on social media , the better SEO you will gain.

But social media has multiple benefits for your business.

First of all, they increase your corporate awareness and make you known even to people who may never have heard of you and yet are interested share on twitter share on facebook share on linkedin share on handclap1 in what you provide. The more people talk about you with positive reviews, the stronger relationships of trust are built with your audience and the more power and credibility your company gains.

Let’s see in simple terms how social media helps your business.

Let’s take for example how you open a small shop in your town. At first no one knows about you, right? But as you start and become active in the local community, give free advice, invite people to your business for events, etc., are friendly with people, then you will become known and people will talk about you.

The more they talk about you, the more people will come to your business and therefore the more sales and recognition you will have. This is how social media works . The more shares, likes, comments and positive reviews are made on your cob directory  page on Facebook , Instagram etc., the more audience you will gain and therefore much greater conversion, sales and recognition that will constantly increase.

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