List of countries of the world for your web forms

If you develop websites or build them in WordPress

(or any other CMS) it is very likely country email list that you implement forms.  And if any of those forms require a “Country” field, this article will help you. Find here the list of countries in the world for web forms, in English and Spanish.

I don’t keep an exact count of the websites I’ve created, but I’ve long since passed the 500 mark and counting.

Until recently, it was very common to configure forms that needed a field with a country selection, and despite having done it many times, I couldn’t find the list. I had to google again.

List with 194 countries of the world

The list of countries that I leave here is updated to 2020 with the 193 countries the inbound or the customer journey
that make up the United Nations Organization plus Vatican City , which although it is an observer member is recognized as an independent country.

There is often confusion with territories that are not officially recognized as countries (I mention some below) or because some are counted twice.

If you count the countries by continent, there are 7 nations that will be repeated , since they are located between the two continents. They are called Eurasian :

  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Cyprus
  • Georgia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Türkiye
  • RussiaOther territories whatsapp number and country names to consider
    There are some territories or countries
    that you may need to include on your form that are not listed.

    I clarify this for you and write it in this section so that you take it into account:

    State of Palestine: its recognition is limited, it is not a completely independent country.
    Greenland: is part of Denmark.
    French Guiana: not a country, but an overseas territory belonging to France.
    Netherlands: It is on both the English and Spanish lists of countries, but with its official name “Netherlands”.
    England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland : Not actually official countries, these four constituent nations belong to the “United

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