This has led to the zero moment of truth The first moment being considered the new mental model or purchasing pattern. This is due, above all, to its tremendous impact on the customer experience .
After going through the zero moment of truth, the moment arrives when the customer and the product meet face to face. This can happen in person or virtually.
This first contact between the consumer and the product is called the first moment of truth . It is a crucial moment, because if the burger does not look like the photo, we will have an unsatisfied customer .
The first impression – unrepeatable, as the
French would say – occurs in a minimum time interval, which varies between 3 and 7 seconds. In this short time there is a lot at stake, so you must take care of every detail.
A touch of mystery and an rcs data appropriate amount of emotion contribute to an attractive presentation of the product. Speaking your customers’ language and delivering what you promised make the first moment of truth possible.
The second moment of truth The first
The second moment of truth is when the customer has already purchased the product and is using it. Here, in order to get off to a good so that it does not affect the loading start, it is necessary to meet or exceed the expectations created in advance.
If your product delivers what it promises, this is the perfect time to build the foundation for a long-term relationship with your user. If it phone number germany doesn’t, you’re likely to lose a customer .
An interesting thing about this second moment of truth is that it can occur before the purchase, in the form of a demo or experiment. This is the case with platforms like Netflix, which you can use for free initially.
In any case, it is about delighting the customer, motivating them to stay in the relationship. When the second moment of truth works, your brand’s reputation and reach soar.