The group continues to improve tactile information writing every day. The which has now become a benchmark itorial signature.” The dataviz format Of course. The it is also time for Dataviz to follow the results of each State in real time. In the Unit States. The the best dataviz are on the NYT (complete) . The the NPR (simple) and the Washington Post . In Europe The those of the Guardian . The Le Monde and The Economist stand out with always 3 reading grids available.
States the Grand Electors and the forecasts
A mention for the dataviz of the Washington Post which cell phone database shows the representatives of the chamber who chang sides via arrows. The original tracker While most mia outlets focus their dataviz efforts on prictions and results by state. The some take a step back. The such as the LA Times. The with data on the representation of women in the results . The France Info with numerous data visualizations on Generation Z. The these young Americans who are voting for the first time . The and the New York Times. The which offers a treatment of the treatment of elections by the American mia (CBS. The NBC. The Fox. The CNN. The ABC. The AP. The Reuters. The NYT) entitl “Which Mia Confirm Which State?”.
A nice mise en abyme
The forecast format With the results being delay this metaverse marketing: should businesses incorporate it to stay future-proof? year. The the prictions are the subject of numerous simulations. The famous “neles” of the New York Times allow to prict the results by State but the American newspaper also proposes a path of probabilities towards victory for each candidate with all the possible scenarios. The World application allows you to simulate the results in the latest states.
And The Economist’s more sober
format presents each candidate’s chances cmo email list of election. The “disinformation” alert format Online mia are using the warning banner so dear to television to raise awareness among web readers about disinformation . The Guardian’s front page is the most impressive with an imposing r banner. The but also those of the Washington Post and Buzzfe which remind us that neither candidate has yet won the election.