Showcase the product

One of the integral components of a landing page is large, high-quality product photos. In some cases, a zoom function is added to examine the smallest details of the product.

Larger images on a page can increase sales by 10%.

Another way to influence conversion is video content. It is desirable that the duration of videos does not exceed five minutes, otherwise users will not watch it to the end.

    1. Gain trust.


According to statistics, more phone number list than 90% of consumers read reviews about a product on the Internet before purchasing it. The opinion of those who have already used the product is the most compelling argument.

To avoid users wasting time searching for reviews, place them directly on the sales page. For example, this is what the British company Express Watches did. Stories of satisfied customers on the landing page increased its conversion by 58%.

Another way to increase your credibility is to show off your professional awards or excerpts from publications about your product in reputable media.

It is important that users improving sales efficiency do not have any doubts about the authenticity of your product. This was also worked on by the Express Watches specialists, who managed to increase the landing page conversion by more than 100%. All they did was change the slogan promising the best price next to the image of Japanese Seiko watches to the text “Authorized Seiko dealer”.

The result is an extraordinary increase in sales.

12 Typical Mistakes That Reduce Sales Through One-Page Websites

Below are the mistakes that uae phone number beginners most often make when selling goods through one-page sites. They are usually associated with a lack of understanding of the principles of interaction between the seller and the buyer in online trading.

Mistake #1: Too much text.

Images play an important role in the presentation of the product, but without a competent selling text, the one-pager will not work. And yet, it is necessary to understand that an abundance of words does not guarantee a high level of sales. The opposite situation is also possible, in which there is a lot of content, but so little meaning in it that the client simply stops reading and closes the page.

What to do?

First of all, determine the upper limit of the text volume. It takes the user one minute to read it “diagonally” from beginning to end. It is also worth minimizing the use of terms, presenting some processes as infographics and removing SEO blocks. Remember that the landing page should make a good impression on customers, and texts with the words “buy a watch inexpensively Moscow” do not contribute to this. SEO content is better placed on other pages of the site.

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