9 essential tips on how to open a dental practice and win clients

It is common for healthcare professionals to seek, at some point in their careers, to open their own businesses . According to data from the Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO), Brazil , in 2024, had around 81 thousand registered dental clinics.

Dentists tend to start out working in third-party clinics until they have the opportunity to open their own practices . As independent professionals, seeking to establish their own structure can be much more profitable in the long run.

However, to open a business in this niche, you must comply with certain obligations. To help you on this journey, we have created a complete guide on how to open a dental practice . To learn more, continue reading.

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Who can open a dental practice?

Anyone can open a dental practice or clinic , not just singapore whatsapp number data in the field. However, there is one rule: the establishment needs a dentist registered with the Regional Dental Council (CRO) or Federal Dental Council (CFO) as the technical manager of the location.

This ensures that all procedures and processes comply with the regulations and standards of the area , protecting the safety of patients during treatment, and that the clinic is legal.

However, it is important to highlight that the dental office must also have a regularization record with the National Registry of Health Establishments (CNES) , established by the Ministry of Health.

Is there a CNPJ for a dentist?

Yes, as self-harmonious connection to the professionals, dentists can have a National Registry of Legal Entities. However, they cannot be Individual Microentrepreneurs , since they have ties to professional bodies at the regional and federal levels, in addition to not being on the list of permitted activities.

A dentist can open a CNPJ through the Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) , in which there is an option that includes the practice of dentistry and care in various establishments (outpatient clinics, offices, emergency rooms, among others):

  • 8630-5/04: Dental activity.

With the CNAE established, it is important to understand what types of companies are possible for opening a CNPJ as a dentist.

How to open a dental practice?

To open a dental practice, you need to cn numbers about some other essential aspects besides the business aspects. For example, identify the objectives for opening this business, considering the market, the competition, possible differentiators, etc.

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