Artificial intelligence (AI) is like having an invisible genie who is always at your disposal to help you with anything you need. This is one of the answers that a chatbot has given us . And in this last year we have surely heard about many platforms that work with AI and many more that we will hear about during 2023.
If we look for a more scientific definition of what AI or artificial intelligence is, it could be defined as the ability of a system to adapt and improvise in a new environment, to generalize its knowledge and apply it to unknown scenarios. In other words, this is a technology that allows machines to imitate the cognitive abilities of humans, such as learning, reasoning and perception.
The first references to AI can be found in the 1930s with Alan Turing, who is considered the father of this discipline. If we want to find the term indonesia telegram data Artificial Intelligence accepted by the scientific community, we have to go back to the 1950s during the Dartmouth Conference , which defined it as “the science and ingenuity of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computing programs.” It should be noted that some researchers consider 2012 to be the year that AI made its “boom” with the arrival of the first voice assistants such as Siri. Today, AI is found in many everyday places, for example when we use some Instagram or Tik Tok filters.
In the long journey that AI has finance for micro and small businesses: 8 tips for greater control had in recent history, we can highlight a very curious fact, since in recent years it has managed to win some contests and competitions. One of the cases was that of IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer , which beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997.
It is normal that after so many years it email list working with. AI, ethical questions have been raised around this topic. Currently, there are many studies that deal with the ethics of artificial intelligence. And there are many others that are in process, since it is an environment that advances very quickly.
After seeing where it comes from and what artificial intelligence is. We need to know the different types that exist:
This type of artificial intelligence is the most inflexible, as its function is to focus on a single job. The comparison would be similar to a professional who is dedicated to a single complex function.
This artificial intelligence is used for virtual assistants (Siri, Alexa, Cortana…), facial recognition or spam filters in emails.
artificial intelligence
This is one of the most versatile AIs currently available. It is considered strong and deep, capable of imitating human intelligence. It can learn and replicate attitudes to solve different problems.
Currently, this is considered the most powerful, as it is capable of becoming conscious and autonomous. It is considered capable of thinking better than a human. It should be noted that this technology is still in development.